I have a UFO that needs to be gifted for Christmas - only problem is that it will NOT be done in time to gift completed.
So - what should I do?
1. Send it to the recipient unfinished, and let her finish it? (yes - it is of the fabric/sewing variety - and this recipient is skilled enough to finish this project - no problem)
2. Send the recipient a photo of it as it is now so she will have something to unwrap -then send finished gift when it is done?
3. Send the recipient an IOU to unwrap but still don't show her what it is?
4. Send the recipient something entirely different and save this for next year?
Cast your votes in the comments - a random commenter will be chosen to receive not only a sneak preview of the gift in question, but also a little prize of the pattern/FQ variety (yes- you assemble yourself!)*
* if the commenter chosen is the person who is supposed to be receiving this gift, I may or may not send the preview -depending on what the majority has voted on.
Polls close Friday, December 16 - since if I do ship out a wrapped photo I'd best get it in the mail by next Saturday!
So what would YOU do????
(PS - if you want to win the little voter prize -you need to leave me a way to get in touch with you. No comment bloggers - I have no way to contact you! Sorry!)
I would choose #3. I'm curious what others think... :)
I'm ok with anything BUT 4! Lol
I would choose #3 but include little snippets of the fabric to give her a little preview of the gift.
I would say #2. That's what I've done in the past in this situation, and I think the recipient still feels like they've received the gift, and then they get double excitement when the finished product actually arrives. Can't wait to hear the consensus! - Kelly
Hmmmm..I would just not give that person anything and buy yourself something nice instead!!
Just Kidding. I like #3 maybe give them a small gift(gift card?) and a note with an iou...go all out and write a poem about the gift.
I vote for #3, as she is a stitcher herself and probably understands that life happens.
I would send a photo that is just a tiny hint of what is to come. That way you can pique her interest! ;)
I'd definitly choose #2, and I like another's suggestion of including a few bits of the fabric.
I would go for option 3 with a few snippets of material from the quilt to tease!!!
Regina...sew, sew, sew like MADD! and get that quilt finished! Okay, number 2 ... send a picture and then she will be ecstatic when the real thing arrives!
I'd go with option #2, maybe with a piture or snippets of the fabric.
I guess I would choose #2. However I have given a UFO and then took it back to finish it. Hugs
I'd go with #3 BUT I'd add some squares of the fabric you're using for the project. Or maybe make a pot holder or something out of the fabric scraps to go with the IOU.
Interesting question... I vote for #4 'cause Jill doesn't want me to!!
I am thinking #2 - BUT, send a partial photo of the project - not enough to let you really know what it is, but just a hint, possible wrapped with some of the fabrics used in the gift!!
Send her a packet of hot chocolate to make the wait all the sweeter and a card with the possible date when the real thing will arrive - but not a commitment!! Things could happen, snow, rain, ice, a trip to Hawaii!!! ;-)
That is what I would do - if you don't go with #4!!
I'd go with #3. Wrap a small token gift with an iou. You could add a sneak peek with the iou as well. I'm sure they'll understand and you can tell them it'll be worth the wait.
I vote #1, I have more fun gifting Ufo's and reciving UFO's. It is a hoot to finish something that a friend has started for me. Second choice would be #2.
#3. One Christmas I had my friend quilt her own gIft. She returned it to me telling me she didn't want to give it back. I put the binding on it and then wrapped it up. She was so surprised when she got the quilt.
I kind of like #1--if it is a quilt, she will probably quilt it anyway, right? Just a thought.
I would choose option #2, but send a picture of only a small portion of the gift to keep her guessing. Since she doesn't want option #4 does she already know what it is supposed to be?
And here's an idea...get a small photo album to put the picture in and tell her she can use it for pictures of her completed projects.
Hmmmm....since it is for Jill, then I say #1. LOL!
I also like #2, several people mentioned a photo of just enough but not the whole thing. Great idea!!
#3 is my vote!
I like the mix of 2 &'3, just to tease her a little. Good luck!
Since it is a gift that has to be mailed, I would send a photo, a note explaining, and some small scraps of the fabrics. I have ran into something like this a couple of times, put I didnt have to mail the gift. I gave the person the unfinished gift and asked that they return it to me so I could finish it. When it was finished I took it to them. Good luck
I'd go with option #2. Life happens and makes mincemeat of our best intentions. I'm sure the recipient understands (since I got here from her blog).
I think if they do not know they are getting a UFO I would go with #4 but since I have a feeling they do I would go with #2.
I like the combo 2-3 option. Send a teaser picture and an iou.
I think 3 but with a little gift to open on Christmas Day. Linda
Oh, number 3, but a teaser with clues!!
Carolyn in SC
Definitely #3! You know Jill would do it to you! LOL
I vote # 2, with a little something extra thrown in to appease the recipient for a day or two anyway!
Regina, what I do in this situation, which happens quite often, is wait until her birthday to gift her. She only has 3 months to wait then and you have more time to finish the gift.
Jill's Mom
Definitely 3.
I like the idea of including some pieces of the fabric as a teaser.
I'm tempted to say number 4 just to be contrary,
but I would do #3.
#2 would be the option I would do.
#3--and enclose those bits like Melinda suggested--drive Jill CRAZY!!!
I say #3 with a "teaser" photo or fabric bits to keep her guessing.=)
#2. I gave my husband a box of blocks last year for Christmas - and the quilt STILL isn't finished! (Top is done, it's about half quilted.)
WV: noloafl - think that's a message?
Definitely option #2. Option #4 is mean and who needs another UFO with Option #1!!
I like #3, let her know something is coming, but not what. That way you'll have the incentive to get it done. If I did #4, I'd probably put it away 'cuz that's a long time away, then this time next year I'd be rushing to finish it!
Merry Christmas!
i've been there....& i'd #4....IDK, i just can't give a UFO....
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