These are not quite done yet - I need to add some embellishments to the flaps, but I thought I would show what I have done so far.
I first tried one by the pattern - the turtle one - with no loop. It has an orange lining, and fusible velcro to hold it closed. It was fun but I could see that working with a directional fabric might be challenging, as I tried to keep my turtles from standing on their heads.

On the tan and black one, I cut out the template from flannel, then layered strips of scraps on top - stitching and flipping - until I covered the entire piece. I trimmed it, layered it with the lining and had a fun little pouch. The strips don't line up on the center seam, but I think it works for what I wanted.
And on the scissor one - I cut the whole thing longer - going as far across the 10" layer cake piece as I could. It was about 1" longer overall, and about 1/4" narrower at the bottom due to the taper. I used the ribbon that comes with the Moda layer cakes to make the hanging loop. (PS - I tried my glasses in the scissor/longer one - and they do fit. They are a bit too long for the normal length. I also tried bandaids in the little 0ne -thinking of a mini first aid kit - but the brand I had was a bit long for that, too.... so many ideas!)

Very addicting - be warned!