Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Random Road in Springtime

So I finished the quilt - 3:30 PM on the day before my father-in-law was going in for surgery - the munchkin was cooperative and took a nice long nap while I was hand-sewing the binding. I do have pictures - but the camera is at home and I am not. I will update with a photo as soon as I have camera and computer in the same room.

Why "Random Road in Springtime"??? - one word - potholes! Needless to say the mis-cutting at the beginning was not the only "pothole" in this project. A limping walking foot, some mis-measuring, and a rotary cutter run amok are among a few of the bumps along this road. But I really like the way it turned out in the end. I just need to make a tag for it - when it comes back home from the hospital.

-FIL's surgery went well - now for the recovery!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Read the Directions TWICE, Sew Once...

or at least that is the way it is SUPPOSED to work...

I am working on a great quilt pattern called "Yellow Brick Road" - made from 12 fat quarters for a lap size quilt. I read the directions, cut out all my fabrics, and then put them aside for a few days. When I returned to begin sewing - I 'should' have reread the instructions -but I jumped right in, confident that I knew what I was doing.

Oops - I sewed too many strips together, and did not realize it until I had further cut them down into the next size component. A phone call to my quilting sister Sue later, I was re-designing the "Yellow Brick Road" and turning it into the "Random Road" - I managed to eek out enough of my redesigned blocks to get the number I needed.

So now I have the 7 rows of blocks sewn together - and am ready to begin the next step - once I get this head cold under control and can focus on matching up my points and seams and keeping it all together. Pictures to follow SOON!

The quilt is a "get well" gift for my father-in-law, who will have knee replacement surgery on the 20th - so I have 10 more days to get my act together and finish it up. At least there is no more cutting involved....

Fighting the Mid-Winter Slump

I am here - and I am working on projects - albeit very very slowly. My sister now calls them WISPS - "works in slow progress" - but I have actually accomplished a few things, like hemming my drapery panels for the dining room (and hanging them right side up!!!), making new cushion covers for my sofa, and starting a quilt. But I will leave that to another post.

But the allure of the sofa, curled up under a warm blanket, is strong on a dark and chilly mid-winter evening! Maybe it is time to finally take up knitting and crochet so I can curl up in comfort and still create. uh oh - not that I need MORE wisps!!!