Pre-Munchkin we would from time to time pull them all out and build something HUGE.
When the Munchkin came along we put them all up for a while, and have enjoyed a few years of DUPLO, knowing all the while that this "inheritance" awaits the little guy when he is big enough.
Today we took the first step - as the Munchkin asked me to get down the LEGO starter set I had stored in his closet. This set was HIS - gifted to us as a hand-me-down somewhere along the line and put away until he was ready.
Today he was ready.
We made a deal to sort out some of his neglected toys and give them away to others -and in turn we would make room for the "big boy LEGO."
He did great on the sorting and donating -which he has been resisting every time I have mentioned it.
Today he was ready.

And started following in Mommy and Daddy's footsteps.
It was a happy day all around!
It made me doubly glad I decided to purchase a small "big boy LEGO" set for his Christmas stocking (and one for Daddy's, too) - because I had decided that "I" was ready.
He just beat me to it!