Today started out like a typical Sunday in our house... and after the paper was read and breakfast cleaned up, I headed outside to get caught up on some long neglected gardening. Weeding, pruning, planting some cuttings from friends, mowing the lawn... it all needed to be done and I was looking at spending 99% of today outside.
Then lunchtime rolled around, and hubby called me in - noting that there were severe thunderstorms heading our way. I packed away my tools, and came in to eat, figuring I would head out again later and finish things up.
Gardening was soon forgotten, however, as rainy drizzles kept us inside, and I pulled out the
Perler Beads for some after lunch fun. The plan was to start preparing for holiday gift giving with the Munchkin by making a few ornaments for aunts and uncles and cousins. We figured if we made a few at a time, it would not be so overwhelming.
A bunch of crabs and bees and ants and turtles later - we had quite the pile - and the Munchkin decided he wanted to make an underwater diorama like one he had seen in a book. A box was procured, scrap paper, scissors and tape were deployed, and after some box cutter wielding by Mommy and some magic with embroidery floss and scraps of cardboard, the undersea world was born.
The director prepares to tell his undersea story. |
Uncle Frank's canoe floats on the sea. |
The Princess' owl dipping her toes in the sea (and looking for dinner) |
The gardening is still unfinished - the lawn never got mowed. But this afternoon's activities were better than all that.
Bring the rain... anytime! We've got it covered.