Sunday, August 07, 2011

No Vampires

I had a few guesses on my Name That Vegetable post the other day - most of the scallion and leek variety - but no one had it right.

Perhaps this picture will help?
These are garlic scapes - the flower head of a garlic plant that pops up on the top of the plant and forms a cool curli-que in the late spring.  You cut them off so that the plant puts its energy into forming bigger heads of garlic, instead of this seed head, and they are great for cooking.  They have a milder garlic taste than the other end of the plant - and we have had them in stir frys in past years.

This year's recipe of note was Garlic Scape Pesto - totally awesome on pizza and pasta, and very freezable!

I planted A LOT of garlic - so we now have A LOT of pesto on the freezer!!!  Yum!


Deanna said...

Garlic--YUM! Pesto--YUMMIER!!!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Interesting! I never knew that about garlic. :)