Friday, February 29, 2008

My "Grandma Quilt"

A few posts back I wrote about Mark Lipinski's take on what quilts are really about, and told you about my "Grandma Quilt" - and I promised photos of the blocks that I have been able to salvage from the top.
Here they are:

I have 8 blocks left - in various stages of disrepair.

You can see my teenage efforts at repair on this one. The red floral is nearly transparent, and the funky fabric is a heavy coarse weave.

This block is the closest to intact -even with the red tie remaining in the center.
The light fabric in the 9 patch feels like a linen dishtowel, and I think the dark plaid was
a skirt or shirt at one time.

1 comment:

Deb (vtquilter) said...

Those look like great memories... what are your plans for them?