I first repaired a bracelet a co-worker had asked me to fix for her. It was purchased from a commercial home-party company, and they had strung it on what felt like waxed cord, which had stretched and frayed. I swapped it out for tigertail and now it should be nice and sturdy for her.
The other project was a lanyard for my work ID - now that we have swipe card access instead of keys. I wanted some thing neutral in color for this first one -although I anticipate making more for different seasons and/or outfits - although the beads I chose ended up making the entire thing quite heavy. It's hard to see in this not-so-good photo, but the white rounds and squares are a shell-like material, and the diamonds are silver. In between all of them are silver lined glass beads in 3 sizes. The clip is recycled from a fabric lanyard I got at a convention somewhere over the past few years.
Now to get my ID punched to fit in the clip and I will be all set to go.

Oh, the years of growing up with a veggie garden... probably lots of stories to tell... but my favorite gardening tip... admire the hard work someone else has done ;-D... I just cannot get into the gardening groove... but Mom would love those hanging tomato bags...
Love you sis!