Monday, June 04, 2007

The Fine Print

Since I think the Matriarchal (Matroniacal?) Sister missed the fine print in the last post...

the 2nd quilt is for my Quilt Teacher (who just happens to be my sister - my OLDEST sister)...

Got it now??? That is where you come in, sis!

(and YOUR quilt may or may not have pink in it - only the neighbor knows)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWW gee thanks! I was wondering who else had been teaching you quilting but I guess I've been inhaling too many paint fumes, stripped wallpaper fumes, and remodeling dust fumes to be thinking clearly. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.)

I do love that green in there, is it in the other quilt too!!! And, I guess there must be a turtle involved somehow........looking forward to seeing the next clue.

By the way, any stork related news from your neighbor?

And what kind of word is matroniacal? Sounds too close to maniacal.