Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LEGO rules!!!

In my house - in addition to all the quilting and sewing and cooking and gardening that happens - there is also a lot of LEGOing (it's a word - right?)... Munchkin was introduced to LEGO at an early age and has quickly added many new sets and bricks and minifigs to the sets he "inherited" from his parents.

Other members of my family are also LEGO fiends - and my brother Bill shared this set with me today:

(Lots of other great detail photos on the site so click through to the link.)

So he has a little bit of bias and good reason to share this - he is Adafruit Support for this company - and was told the following:

“please get everyone know to do the same. this is a good use of social networks - an adafruit workshop inspiring young kids to share this electronic maker adventure is wonderful goal.
 plus you'll all get LEGO versions of yourselves if we get this.”

Regardless of his connection - I think this is a cool set for so many reasons!  It shows a really cool, very realistic tech setup with a great female role model for those who like technology and science.  It's cool for girls AND boys AND parents.

So the way this works is if 10,000 people support this model, LEGO will review it and potentiallly put it out as an available set.

What do you say ?  I know there are some LEGO loving bloggers/quilters/crafters/gardeners/people out there...  help spread the word.

Here's the link:
Lots of other great LEGO ideas out there - you do need to register with the site to vote, but it's easy!

1 comment:

Three Birds Inspired said...

My guys were crazy for LEGOS when they were boys. They would spend HOURS making stuff. The only downside about LEGOS is they hurt like crazy if you step on one with your bare feet!