Sorry about that... I AM here, I AM sewing and gardening and doing SOME things that are worth writing about... I just haven't been writing...
I DO need to clean off the memory card on my camera - i discovered the other day that i have 43 photos left to be able to take... WOW! I have not cleared the card since last year... not good!
So - on the sewing front I have nearly completed the quilt I was working on
HERE, and finally tackled a "bargello" kit that was supposed to be a graduation quilt for LAST June. What happened? Well - the kit came with 2 1/2" strips, and instead of following my instinct to use one of the tutorials for strip pieced bargellos, I followed the pattern that came with the kit - cutting ALL the strips into MANY MANY 2 1/2" squares. Then I got so muddled on how they wanted me to reassemble them that I put it aside... way way aside.
I finally got up the gumption to tackle it -and do it MY way - which was sewing 37 squares into 31 identical strips, then sewing those into loops and unstitching them as needed to create the "wave". It's been slow and steady, but I have about 4 seams left and the entire top will be assembled.
My goal is to send it back with
Jill at the end of her visit (she will be here in FOUR days!!!!!! and stay for FOUR days!!!! so excited) - and then Jill can work her quilty magic on it and I can finally gift it to the graduate.
Plugging away on the gardening - there is still over a yard of mulch yet to be moved, but the spring planting has begun - lettuce is in, rhubarb is divided, a blueberry bush is planted, some lawn has been eliminated and a few other things have been moved around. Once that camera card is clear I will have to go up to the attic and take some pictures from that window so you can get a birds eye view of the whole thing.
Just don't hold your breath waiting on the post - it may be a while! :-)