Sunday, December 25, 2011

Unwrapping the UFO - part 1

Merry Christmas morning!!! (no I am not on the computer - I prepped this one ahead of time!)  Hope everyone is having a wonderful time!

For those of you following along on my UFO dilemma - I'm ready to reveal the first clue in the "Unwrapping the UFO" saga - which will continue on and off until the UFO is gifted, some posts with pictures, some just with verbal teases.

So here's the first clue...

There isn't one UFO... there's 2...

There isn't one recipient... there's 2... (hmmm... can you guess who?)

And BOTH of you will have to wait for the others UFO to be finished before you will get yours.


Darling Jill Quilts said...

Two recipients? WHO is the other? Does he/she know he/she is waiting?

Jean(ie) said...
