I wanted to use the grey for my background, and I wanted to cut my own hexagons. Since I have the Hex-N-More ruler from Jaybird Quilts, I figured I could cut away at a bundle of batik and do my own thing. Except I didn't figure on how hexagons are measured - I did 6.5" strips figuring I would get 6" hexagons, which is what I thought the Moda precuts were. Except they are 6" through the middle, not height, so my hexagons ended up both taller and wider than the Moda ones.
No trouble - I adjusted my sashing accordingly (um - after I had already cut it too narrow and had to go back and recut), and dropped one hexagon out of each row - adding them in on my backing. The finished dimensions are about the same - though I used less fabric in my side strips as a result.
The quilting I finished up on this today - just straight lines with some variegated Aurifil on the front, and a solid grey thread on the back. Binding was the same fabric as the background, and as we were home with a "snow day" due to the Polar Vortex I was able to quilt AND bind this today (and snuggle under it in the process).
The recipient is a big baseball fan - so that dictated both the backing fabric and the name of the quilt.