Saturday, November 20, 2010

Was it Friday?

A few posts back, I said I would be participating in the Friday Night Sew In last night. And I did - albeit in a small way.

Thursday I was able to get my latest quilt to the binding stage. I even brought it to work yesterday and started on the binding there. I got a bit of a late start after enjoying Peter and the Wolf on CD (narrated by Patrick Stewart) with the Munchkin and then getting him all tucked in to bed. And then I continued binding until my eyes cried "uncle" and I had to stop for the night.

No pictures... yet. I am hoping the sunny weather (sunny but cold) holds out through tomorrow so I can hang it on the clothes line for a good shot.

Today was a Target/Post Office/Library run and now we are settling in with out new books and videos and hopefully a bit more binding time.


Darling Jill Quilts said...

Seems like it should be on a different night! lol Fridays just aren't so good in the winter!

Anonymous said...

I worked on binding too. Can't count those quilts as finished until the binding is done. And yes, that does count as sewing and not in a small way!! Depending on the size of the quilt, it can be a big job!

Love the word verification: hemosewf